Sunday 26 May 2024



Prep Time : 30 mins 

Cooking Time : 15 mins 
Serve : 4 


  • Wheat flour - 2 cup 
  • Spinach - 1 cup 
  • Paneer  - 1 cup
  • Salt - to taste
    carom seeds - a pinch 
  • Onion seeds - a pinch 
  • clarified butter - 4 tbsp 
    Green chilly - 2
    Coriander leaves - 1 tbsp
Blanch spinach for five mins and make a smooth paste.
 Take one cup of wheat flour,salt,clarified butter,carom seeds,onion seeds and spinach paste and make a dough.
 Take a paneer add salt,coriander leaves and chopped green chilly and mix it well now stuffing is ready
. Roll the dough  and spread some clarified butter and stuff the paneer  filling and roll into a circle.
Press them to stuck,again rolling like a swiss roll and
sprinkle some water and add sesame seeds and onion seeds and roll out paratha

Cook on hot pan applying clarified butter till both the sides are cooked.
Serve hot .

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