Saturday 10 August 2024



Prep Time : 15 mins
Cooking Time : 15 mins
Serve : 4

Milk       -  2 ltr
Sugar   -   1 cup
Water     -  1 cup
Lemon juice     -   1/2 cup
Cardamom powder    -  a pinch

   Boil the milk in a heavy bottom vessel.
When it gets boiled, add the lemon juice and cover the milk
.After few minutes, the milk gets fully curdled.
 Strain the cheena in a muslin cloth and wash in a fresh water for 2 - 3 times.
And hang the cheena  in a muslin cloth for half an hour

We mash cheena very well until soft.
Now we get soft paneer or cottage cheese.
We press cheena and make square shape.
Heat  sugar and water on a full flame
When its boiled we add cheena pieces and boil five minutes in full flame now sim for fifteen mins.

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